

Dear All,
I am working on a project for Turkish Volunteer of Education Foundation.(an NGO) The aim of the my project is use the Archeological Museum of Istanbul to support history education. I am working with grade 4 (age 10-11). Our subjects are archeology, prehistoric times and early anatolian cultures. This project is an experimental study for my thesis. I want to make an educational program for the students-grade 4 and make a suggestion for the Archeological Museum of Istanbul.
I need some educational materials for my project. Unfortunately there is not education department at the Archeological Museum of Istanbul. And in the museum exhibition, there is not any illustration, model or etc. And there is not any books, films or cartons, games, etc. about prehistoric times for children in Turkey.
Do you know, where could I get these kind of materials for children about prehistoric times? Illustrations, films, cartons, games, ...etc.
I would be grateful for any information or advice.

Thanks with my best regards,
Kadriye Tezcan Akmehmet
Research Asistant

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Yildiz Technical University
Faculty of Art and Design
Museum Studies Programme
34349 Besiktas/Istanbul