

Dear John,

The byte-ordering is determined simply from the header file.
We use the very first field in the analyze header - sizeof_hdr -
which we test to see if it is equal to 348.  If it isn't we
perform byte-swapping of both header and image.

All the best,

P.S. So far we have never encountered analyze files that do not have
a header of size 348, although I believe that strictly speaking
the standard leaves this open...

John Herrington wrote:
> Question about little vs. big-endian byte ordering.  I frequently process
> datasets across both Solaris and Linux operating systems, and I was
> wondering, how do fsl programs tell what the byte-ordering of an AVW image
> is?  Specifically, does fsl software read a field in the header, or does
> it read the image files themselves and somehow determine the appropriate
> byte-ordering?  If the byte-ordering is specified in the header file, what
> exactly is the field where this is specified?  If it involves the analysis
> of the image file itself, what sort of computation is required to
> determine the byte-ordering?
> Thanks,
> John Herrington
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign