

Hi, I am new to the fmri analysis and also first time user of FEAT.
I need your help on the full model setup.

I have this dataset:

1 subject, 1 session, 2 trials, 132 volumes for 1 trial,
totally 132*2 = 264 volumes, TR = 4s,
I use avwmerge to merge the 264 single slices to generate a 4D data and
input to the FEAT.

5 stimuli (5 original EVs ?) and their box designs are:

trial#1: off - EV3 - off - EV1 - off - EV4 - off - EV2 - off - EV5 - off
trial#2: off - EV3 - off - EV5 - off - EV4 - off - EV1 - off - EV2 - off

the off period in the notation above is about 40 sec, each EV last about 40
sec. trial 2 follows right after trial 1.

My question: i am quite confused about the skip, off, phase entry in the
Basic Shape part (say i use square), what is difference between skip and
off? there is no delete volumes included in the dataset, i remove the delete
volumes before i use avwmerge. I've read your tutorial and manual, still not
sure what to do with my dataset, could you give me some suggestion ?
