

From: Marc Lafia <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Computational Films  Screening

Tuesday, March 4 at the Thomas Erben Gallery I will be showing excerpts of
new computational films.  Announcement below. I would very pleased for you
to see this work. ML

Computational films
Marc Lafia

In these works I am interested in the image in the registers of photography,
cinema and computation. Each of these media proffers unique properties of
time. Moving the qualities of one into the register of another complicates
and intensifies its experience; what becomes of the still image in movement
and the moving image made still?

The first work åBetween¼ is made by traversing 5 still photographs arranged
as a tableau, a continuity across surface, a movement over stillness. In
åVariable Montage¼, I am interested in cinematographic montage in the
context of structural parameters provided by computation, inextricably
linking projection and recording. In the register of computation, time and
sequence take on an entirely new sense. In the works åMasks¼, åWindow¼,
åBridge¼ and åSea¼, also made from still images, computation ushers forth a
new rhythm, a new duration, a new sensation for the moving image which can
be characterized by the simultaneity of a multiplicity of event times. What
interests me here is how computation re-doubles ideas of movement, chance,
stillness, serendipity, collision, and hybridity. In computation each film
is the unique utterance or enunciation in the event of a language, which
each time is spoken anew.

  Louky Keijsers is pleased to present:

Film/video screenings and discussion



Tuesday March 4, from 8 - 10 pm at Thomas Erben Gallery

Because of last year's great success and upon request of many, there
will be one more time THE DIALOGUE (II), a monthly film/ video
screenings, which will begin in March and end in June. The starting
point of these screenings is the dialogue. Talking with a lot of
artists, I realized that most of them (including myself) often miss
the discussion in the (NY) art world. The purpose of these screenings
is to enhance the communication between artists and audience.

The discussion of the first screening of these series focuses on the
distinct perceptions of 'the moving image'. In their work the artists
concentrate on different aspects of the cinematic language to
translate their ideas. Whether they examined their concepts
sociologically, psychologically or politically, it reveals the social
structures, powers structures and contextual realities in our society.

Thanks to the generous support of The Original Card Co and White Columns.
Image "Man on bike" made by video artist: Will Kasai, 2002

Thomas Erben Gallery
516 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
P. 212 645 8701
F. 212 645 9630
E. [log in to unmask]