


At the time of writing about the problem of American child actors,  I was thinking about the apparent conventions of American child acting, conventions that favor a highly elaborate and stylised technique or approach. How can I put it? The actors act like children trying to be adults playing children, indeed they sometimes seem like children trying to be movie stars trying to act like children. It is a kind of 'cute' aesthetic, and as such shares affinities with the grotesque. It may derive from or at least be fed by child acting conventions in advertising. It may be partly related to the difficulty children strike when it comes to actually doing art. It might be related to the artifice demanded by a cinema highly regulated by genres. It may be encouraged by adults and directors who want to promote the children, or by a widespread cultural aspiration for children to do well, to shine, to star, or by a certain kind of American ideology of the child.  I dont know. It is a tradition that goes back at least to Shirley Temple and it persists.

There are exceptions. (I made my original inquiry though because I just could not think of one.) Thanks for the suggestions. And sometimes the stylisation works. 
