

A lament Ross,
I loved those small old-fashioned, slightly smelly, often empty cinemas
in Sydney, like the New Mandolin cinema that have all but disappeared,
except for the Chauvel and the Academy Twin.

And to be able to sit toward the front, I have a pen, but not often a
notebook, and thus, my hand, tissues, etc become inscribed and
souvenired with flashes from the film.

and no, i don't like to speak afterwards about it, so i prefer to go
alone. For me, it's like what Barthes said -- when one comes out of the
cinema, one is still in a state of dreaming. i try to prolong that
sensation, and talking about the film definitely breaks that spell.


P.S and sure, surround sound etc etc are paramount for the viewing of
films like the Matrix etc.... but not for every film that is around.

Ross Macleay wrote:

> A philosophical question. Where do you sit in the cinema? Important
> related questions. The multiplex or not? Do you eat or drink? Do you
> take notes? Who do you go with? Do you like the ads, the shorts etc?
> Do you like to talk about it afterwards and answer that terrible what
> did you think question in the foyer (or are you like me - a bit
> stunned?)? Post cinema omnia animale sunt triste? Ross