

From Jeremy Robinson

Why 'The Matrix' has created so much discussion is as overdone as 'Blade
Runner'. What a bore.  'Total Recall' and 'Minority Report' are far superior
on every level to either movie. 'The Matrix' was only useful in allowing Yuen
Wo-Ping to develop his action choreography up to the level of 'Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon', a staggering movie. Reeves, Weaving and Fishburne in
'The Matrix' are so clunky, so ungraceful! And 'The Matrix' climaxes with the
silliest, most cliched ending: Carrie-ANne Moss bringing Keanu back from the
dead by uttering the three magic words. Yeah, like that's gonna happen! And
this is a 'cool' movie?
Ditto 'Memento': why all the fuss? There's isn't time to waste on stuff like
'The Matrix' or 'Memento'. There was nothing at stake in 'Memento', and it was
shoddily put together, with only Guy Pearce as eye candy to pass the time (and
'Memento' has dreary Carrie-Anne Moss again).