

an ontology first project --loaded concepts like
consciousness must come later, if at all --and must
be stripped of any metaphysical presumptions >>

OK....getting away from these complex convolutions for
just a second - they have their own trajectory, which
is not necessarily fully comprehensive:

I suggest that consciousness comes first in terms of
simple phenomenology, and any analytic method. You can
cut, paste, construct and de-construct concepts all
over the place....but only within a field of
consciousness, without which you would not exist. I
don't mean as a speculative philosophical premise, I
mean you would not exist in the sense in which H the
man no longer exists.

What you say *about* consciousness is secondary -
whether it's metaphysical, relevant, irrelevant etc.
None of this kind of discourse makes any difference to
the fact of the 'wider field' of consciousness, within
which - only - is this philosophcial activity
possible, or any other.

It seems to me terms like 'being' are not only the
most profound that we have, but they have to be
addressed in the most encompassing and panoramic way
possible - some of which lies beyond the parameters of
established intellectual discourse. Otherwise, your
speculative rationale takes you to places that
ultimately make no sense.

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