


I think the idea behind visualising thoughts is the following:

The diegesis of the film is the psyche of the protagonist.  Everything that
happens in the film happens inside the protagonist's mind.  Thoughts work
by association and get meaning by juxtaposition of shots.  E.g. shot of the
protagonist watching a film is followed by a shot of a child playing with a
duck on the film footage .  The next shot is of a live duck in a pond with
the protagonist aiming a shotgun at it.  The last shot is again that of
protagonist watching the film footage.  If there are no more shots dealing
with the pond/duck scenario we probably just think that the protagonist
hates ducks.  But it can get a lot more complex.  For example, if we don't
cut back to the protagonist watching the film footage but to something
completely different.  The shots in a stream-of-consciousness-type movie
serve one function and that is to illuminate the protagonist's thinking
process.  At least that's how I understand it.

