

Dear all,

Despite trawling through dis-forum archives I have not found anything that
covers my next query.
We are looking at policies on loaning out computer and other assistive
technology to international students. Using our International Students Fund
to purchase equipment is one thing, insuring it another.

Having revisited discussions on the topic of such policies for students
ineligible for the DSA it became obvious that some institutions (Sheffield
by 1999, for example) had worked out methods for monitoring, repairing, and
insuring such equipment. At that time,  however, no one mentioned
international warranties and insurance (for example for laptops and
MiniDisc recorders that the student may take home over  holidays).

We would appreciate any useful suggestions that any of you can offer us .



Disability Co-ordinator, Equality & Diversity Department, King's College
London, 7.36 James Clerk Maxwell Building, 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1
8WA; Tel: 020 7848 3799; Fax: 020 7848 3490.
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