

Hi Clare,
We use a system very similar to yours but despite gentle nudgings from HR towards utilising longer-term contracts we have so far avoided it.
We seem able to use the need to support students under SENDA as a lever to persuade HR that our methods are reasonable since other methods
will inevitably lead to a failure to meet the need.
Sometimes HR departments can be persuaded by precedents set in other Unis - I hope this helps

Paddy Turner
Disability Support Manager
Sheffield Hallam University

-----Original Message-----
From: Clare Davies [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 05 August 2003 13:08
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: employing support workers

How to other HEIs deal with recruitment of support workers such as note-takers and study facilitators?

At UCN we have been emplyoying note-takers and study facilitator via payroll, as casual/temporary staff, to avoid the problems associated
with self-employment or asking the student to act as employer.  I advertise for such staff on a relatively informal basis, and keep details
on a register after an informal interview, to enable us to respond quickly to requests from students for such support. This overcomes the
difficulty predicting requirements in advance and allows me to appoint  individuals quickly, as required.

Students often ask to continue using a support worker with whom they have built up a good working relationship, and I want to be able to
re-appoint people who have developed the required skills. This has been particularly important if we have provided training, eg note-takers
for deaf students.

However Human Resources has now introduced a maxium 12-month time limit for temporary/casual staff, to prevent them acquiring employment
rights such as redundancy pay.  Apparently subsequent contracts can count as continuous employment, despite breaks in contract during the
summer vacation. The recruitment process for staff on longer-time contracts, takes a minimum of 4 months and it is difficult to obtain
senior management approval for such appointments.

I would appreciate information about how other disability support services have dealt with similar siuations.

Clare Davies