

Colleagues in FE/HE

What have other DP Officers advised their institution on the recent HESA memo about "use of Collection Notices" (14 August) or perhaps nobody has mentioned it to you??

Briefly they have written to the "CO" (not sure who that might be?)  informing them of the importance of collection notices and suggesting that the University/College should incorporate the HESA collection notices along with their own. This seems far too long winded to me  and boring for the average data subject and especially as HESA says that it only collects and uses anonymised data.

here is an example!

"Some information held about you by your institution will be sent to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). This forms your HESA record, which contains mainly coded information including ethnicity and disability data. Your record, or parts of it, will be passed to those of the following bodies that require it to carry out their statutory functions in relation to the funding of education:"

but the important bit says

"The data in your record will be used in anonymised form, primarily for statistical analysis, by HESA and the above bodies. This use may result in the publication and release of data to other approved users, which may include academic researchers and commercial bodies. Your record will not be used by HESA or any of the above bodies in a way that would affect you individually. "
So I would suggest that in fact it is very open and transparent of HESA but in fact the data they collect does not comply with DP at all. In our student collection notices we already say  that we may pass on data to HESA or other Statutory Bodies.

How have others responded to this please?


Sally Justice

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