

***** Evolutionary Scheduling Session in CEC 2004 *****

The 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, co-sponsored by the IEEE Neural Networks Society, the Evolutionary Programming Society, and the IEE, will be held in Portland Marriott Downtown, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 19-23, 2004. (

The Evolutionary Scheduling Session in CEC 2004 will cover all aspects of evolutionary scheduling and related issues. It hopes to attract a balance of applied and theoretical papers from across the evolutionary computing and meta-heuristic research communities. Typical examples of such problems include rostering, machine scheduling, timetabling, vehicle routing, resource assignment, planning, etc.

More information regarding the Evolutionary Scheduling Session is available at The paper submission schedule is as follows:

Submission of papers: 31 January 2004
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 15 February 2004
Camera-ready paper: 1 March 2004

Format of the paper can be obtained from All papers will be peer-reviewed following the same procedure as regular papers submitted to CEC 2004.

Evolutionary Scheduling Session Co-Organizers:

Prof. Edmund K. Burke
Dr Kay Chen Tan
Dr Graham Kendall