

Richard Maine wrote:

>Aleksandar Donev writes:
> > It is simply a
> > quadratic equation that needs to be solved, and the answer is C /
> > (-B+Sqrt(B**2-A*C)) if the two spheres collide (i.e. if this result is
> > nonnegative and exists). I need to be very careful that this gives a
> > very accurate answer...
>In that case, perhaps a different formula would be appropriate.  That
>one is notorious for being numerically poor in some cases - sounds
>like the kinds of cases you have.  I haven't needed highly accurate
>quadratic equation solutions myself, so I don't recall the details,
>but I'm sure I've seen people discuss more accurate ways to compute
>this in the numerically sensitive cases.
I've read somewhere that what I wrote was the better way, as opposed to
the usual formula (-B+Sqrt(B**2-A*C))/A (my A and C have a factor of 2
inside), but I don't remember where I read this and what the explanation
was...I would appreciate if anyone does know of such better approaches.
