

I know this is not strictly a F90 question but I'm hoping it's close enough
that someone can easily help me (cause I'm stuck!)

I'm trying to write my first Openmp program on a Sun Solaris 2 processor
Ultra 60 but I can't get it to work.

I wrote a simple hello.f90 code shown below and compile it with either of:

  f95 -c -xopenmp=noopt    -Xlist  hello.f90
  f95 -c -xopenmp=parallel -O3  -XlistMP -Xlist  hello.f90

then link.  All this goes smoothly (no errors or warnings).  I'm using the
lastest available sun compiler (7.1, March 03)

Before running I set the number of threads to 2 using

   setenv  OMP_NUM_THREADS  2

When I run it, I get the following

(darwin 8> ./hello.exe

  Num procs =  1
  No. threads =  1
  Max No. threads =  1
  In parallel region? :  F
  Hello World
  Thread no.  0
  Thread no.  0
  Thread no.  0
  Thread no.  0


The conditional write statement "OMP AWARE" is triggered but nothing else.
In particular, the number of processors is 1 and the maximum number of
threads is 1?!

Any help would be greatly appreciated - I'm stumped on this one.

program hello

! NOTE: set OMP_NUM_THREADS before running this program
! e.g., setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 2

!  This module is needed to reference library routines
    USE omp_lib

    implicit none

!   integer :: omp_get_num_procs
!   integer :: omp_get_num_threads
!   integer :: omp_get_thread_num
!   logical :: OMP_IN_PARALLEL

    integer :: nproc, num_threads,i, max_threads

!   write this only if omp-aware compiler
!$     write(*,*) 'OMP AWARE!!'
!$     write(*,*)

    nproc = omp_get_num_procs()
    write(*,*) 'Num procs = ', nproc

!  set the number of threads for the next parallel region
    call omp_set_num_threads(2)

    num_threads = OMP_get_num_threads()
    write(*,*) 'No. threads = ', num_threads

    max_threads = OMP_get_max_threads()
    write(*,*) 'Max No. threads = ', max_threads

!  check whether code is in a parallel region - should be FALSE
!$   write(*,*) 'In parallel region? : ', OMP_IN_PARALLEL()

    write(*,*) 'Hello World'

    do i = 1,4
       write(*,*) 'Thread no. ', omp_get_thread_num()
    end do
!$OMP end do


end program hello