

   Date:         Fri, 8 Aug 2003 08:31:59 -0700
   From: Richard Maine <[log in to unmask]>

   That sounds like it is most likely a serious misinterpretation.
   Please don't spead such misinterpretations; they seem to spread much
   more readily than facts.  :-(

   The G95 project split into 2 branches a while back.  That may be
   what you are thinking of.  Or perhaps there was something about one
   of the two branches languishing.  But, whatever the source of the
   recollection, to say that g95 was/is being abandoned just is not true.
   Work on it seems quite active last time I checked.

My apologies.  I just searched the archives for this list for "g95"
and the most relevent thing was a "What's up with g95" question.
Included in the answer was a link to
and going there shows nearly daily notes of progress up to the