

Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:

> How about
> 1. A Linux version, even if it has to be without (or maybe even
> preferably without) the GUI.
> Failing that, I'd be happy with
> 2. Source code available (under the GPL?) so that others can port it.

  Agreed. Doubly.

  Some PhD students here have shown an interest in running WinBUGS on
the laptops we have lent them. However, these laptops run Redhat 9 -
with R, LaTeX, OpenOffice, etc they can do most anything they need to,
and its all open source and easy for us to manage.

  So the WinBUGS problem. Lets attack it with Wine. I install the latest
Wine rpm for Redhat 9 and get WinBUGS14.exe running (after renaming it
WinBGS14.exe because wine didnt like the 'long' file name).

  Dialog box buttons 'almost' work. You have to click the button with
the mouse and press 'Enter'. Its annoying, but at least it works. This
could be related to the problem with 'blackbox'-based programs reported
in the past. It seems that Wine has half-fixed it.

  More serious are problems with some of the statistical functionality.
Some of the examples run fine, producing answers near enough to the
tables in the examples. But with others, I get errors.

  For example, if I have 'foo[i] ~ dgamma(0.005,.5)' it runs, but change
it to 'foo[i] ~ dgamma(0.004999,.5)' it fails with 'shape parameter (r)
of gamma foo[1] too small -- cannot sample'. This example works fine on
WinBUGS running on native Windows.

  This is using Wine's DLLs - I shall have another go using Windows DLLs
and see if that works - but thats not a solution for those without MS
Windows licenses.

  So, can I even trust the results output when the models seem to work?
I mean, what are the Wine libraries doing? At least with the open source
Wine libraries I can find out exactly what they are doing - with the
closed BUGS source and the closed Windows source I have no chance.
That's why I cant use BUGS personally because I cant trust the program,
even under native Windows.

  Barry Rowlingson
  Maths and Stats
  Lancaster University
  Lancaster, UK

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