

Hi BUGS users,

    I have data consisting of a bivariate response (an overdispersed
Poisson variable and an overdispersed Binomial variable), together with
6 explanatory variables, measured at 90 irregularly spaced points in a
geographical region.  There's no problem setting up an appropriate
hierarchical generalized linear model for each response separately, with
error terms {e_i, i = 1, ..., 90} to reflect spatial dependence.
However, I have the following two questions:

    (1) The nature of the problem is such that a geostatistical
covariance structure, e.g.,

corr(e_i, e_j) = exp{ -gamma * dist(i, j) }

seems more appropriate than a conditional autoregressive model.
However, I've read that such models can take a VERY long time to run in
BUGS.  Has anyone had experience with a problem of this size?

    (2) Since the response is bivariate, I should really model both
components simultaneously.  Has someone had experience modeling
bivariate spatially distributed responses in BUGS, with either
autoregressive or explicitly defined covariance structures?

Sam Oman

Professor Samuel D. Oman
Department of Statistics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus, Jerusalem
91905 Israel

telephone: +972 2 5883 442
facsimile:  +972 2 5883 549

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