

I know I am likely to re-open a discussion about non-informative priors for
precision parameters, but I would still value your help related to a more
specific problem I have encountered.

I am fitting a hierarchical model in which parameters are distributed
according to a gamma distribution, parameterised by mu and tau as in the
Bugs manual. I need to put some vague priors on mu and tau. I know that the
parameters to be fitted should be positive and not very large but otherwise
I have not other prior belief (or rather I do not want my belief in the
parameters to influence the results).


phi1[i, k] ~ dgamma(tau1[k],mu1[k])
mu1[k] ~ dgamma(1.0E-3, 1.0E-3)
tau1[k] ~ dgamma(1.0E-3, 1.0E-3)

or similar leads to an extremely fat-tailed (and wiggly) distribution of a
mean and variance of a phi1 and convergence problems.

Any clues? Thanks in advance,
Adam Kleczkowski

Adam Kleczkowski
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