

I am trying to use Winbugs to estimate the size of the population using
capture-recapture methodology. As an example, I am using AT&T switch data
taken from Sanjib Basu's article. (for reference of the likelihood
function for capture-recapture, Biometrika(2001) 88, 1, p.269-279):

# J=6 is the number of reviewers
# n[j] is the number of errors found by reviewer j
# m[j] is the number of errors previously found
# r=43 is the number of errors found by at least one reviewer (distinct

Suppose there is heterogeneity among reviewers, the likelihood function
for N and p can be written as a product of (N choose r) and the product(
from j=1 to 6) of pow(p[j],n[j])*pow(1-p[j], N-n[j])
with priors for p and N as:
p[j]~ dbeta(k*g, k*(1-g)
N~dunif(1, Nmax)

In winbugs:


# prior distribution

N~dunif(1, Nmax)
for (j in 1:6)
{ p[j]~dbeta(a,b)

# Likelihood function
for ( j in 1:6) {
Lk[j]<-M1*pow(p[j], n[j])*pow(1-p[j], N-n[j])

list(n=c(25, 3, 4, 13, 9, 6), m=c(0, 1, 0, 9, 3, 4),  Nmax=400,k=2, g=0.2)

list(N=50 p=c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2))

Basu's result: N-hat=65

This program works, but the result is incorrect. Did I make a mistake in
defining the likelihood function, (Lk[j])?

I've been trying to figure this out for few days, and I have a feeling
that this is very simple. I just don't get it. I hope someone out there
can help me.

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