

Which journal is "Biomimetics"? - don't know it

J Mater Sci has all sorts of other stuff in it and you have to trawl
through acres  of other things

Mater Sci Eng C has hardly any biomimetics in it at all, despite its title

Proc R Soc has some, but it's not easy to get stuff into it, and
sometimes just a short note or a report on industrial success is what's
needed, and that definitely wouldn't get in.

Biomechanics I don't see all that often, but does it have any plant
papers in it?  Again you have to trawl through an awful ot of other stuff.

I know that it's risky starting off a new journal, but this one will
have the weight of a large biomimetics lab in Jilin behind it (do I
detect a whiff of national rivalry here?!) and will be listed in Current
Contents, etc (which was a big problem with the Plenum "Biomimetics").
 Also it will be possible to discuss methods of technology transfer,
closing the gap between academia and industry, for instance, which would
be difficult in a non-dedicated journal.  Of the journals above, I think
the Royal Soc journals are the only ones to have serious Brownie points
associated with them; the others are somewhat below the parapet.  One
can but try.  Ultimately nothing is necessary.  You have the option of
not buying the journal if you don't like it; putative contributors have
the option of not submitting papers.

Julian Vincent

Yang Gan wrote:

> Hi all:
>     Is it necessary to start a new biomimetics journal again? We've got one Biomimetics and the others like J. Mater. Sci., Mater. Sci. Eng. C., Composite Series, Proc. Roy. Soc., Biomechanics, just name a few. 
>     Happy new year and merry christmas to all list members.
> Y. Gan
> ---------------------
> Dr Yang Gan
> Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry
> University of Science and Technology Beijing
> 30 Xue yuan Rd.
> Beijing 100083
> P. R. China
> Fax: 86-10-62332345
> Email: [log in to unmask]

Julian FV Vincent                              [log in to unmask]
Professor of Biomimetics                        office 01225 386596
Centre for Biomimetics & Natural Technologies   mobile 07941 933901
Dept of Mechanical Engineering                  fax    01225 386928
The University

I hate quotations.  Tell me what you know.  (Ralph Waldo Emerson)