Are his symptoms and signs related to evening smoking of shisha (i.e. nargileh, hubble-bubble, water-pipe) which has a high carbon monoxide content?
Jeff Davies

>>> Mohmed Ashmaig <[log in to unmask]> 02/19/03 03:03pm >>>
Dear all,

It might be an interesting case.

We have a military man 46 years old, physically &
medically very well and he look very happy and not
under any stress. His chemistry and hematology tests
are all normal. The cardiac stress test normal. His
blood pressure during the day 110/70 mHg, but start
rising from 08:00 PM when the time around 11:00 PM
start getting headache with blood pressure of 180/100
mHg, the following day get back to normal, he is on
Zestrine 10 mg/day to control his blood pressure.
24 hours urine Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine,
all normal.

Any suggestion of what we can look into or investigate
will be really appreciated.

Many thanks in advance for all

Mohmed Ashmaig
Riyadh Military Hospital

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