

I suspect pressure for these to be implemented is likely to increase because of A&E waiting time targets.  It will be an expensive option not only because of the increased cost per test, as compared with the same test done in the lab, but also the well-known phenomenon Jan Still has described:  people use it "because it's there", not necessarily because it adds anything to clinical outcomes.

I would also be interested in hearing about others' experiences.  At the moment we only have the common tests available here.

Joan Pearson

Dr MJ Pearson
Department of Clinical Biochemistry & Immunology
Old Medical School
Leeds General Infirmary (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)

tel   (44)-113-392-3945
fax  (44)-113-233-5672

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I'm interested in the not so common tests! Eg Troponins, 'routine' biochem,
eg u&e, amylases, drugs, etc rather than gases and glucoses

Mike Gillett