

Rebecca, will answer yr question in a couple of days... going out tonite
to get drunk and stoned with the mercedes set so must behave myself for
Chris Jones.

On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 20:46, Rebecca Seiferle wrote:
> Hi, Chris,
> I like this almost prose poem particularly at the beginning, "Deception
> by the one who deceives," etc., it has a poetic ring to it, but I can't
> follow as well in the last part of the paragraph particularly with that
> bit about poets knowing only how to lie, if it is lying, it is so the
> inverse of the lying by the one who wishes to deceive, or this
> political example of the 'capture' of Saddam, that it must be close
> to telling the truth!
> We were just talking about this the other day, and how the story
> of Saddam's having first been captured, in a blood feud, and
> held, drugged, interrogated and tortured by the Kurds, then left
> in that concrete hole where 'we got 'im' was buried on page 24
> of some well-known newspaper, though it's probably a better
> newspaper for having carried it at all.
> Best,
> Rebecca
> Rebecca Seiferle