

I've just had Andrew Graham-Dixon on the phone,
droning on and on about how Alice Rawsthorn

was chosen to take part in the discussion
about the Turner Prize at Tate Britain

rather than him. 'And that bloody Tim Marlow...'
he blabs on (he's the guy doing the interview).

I thought it the prerogative of the artist
to be such a self-centred egotist

not that blood munching parasitic
insect, the bloody art critic.

Jeeeesus! I only became a conceptual
artist so that I could play my own oedipal

fantasies out in public. Take my, 'Mummy, mummy,
why don't you look at me?' (Various crash-test dummies

in a wide range of sexual positions.) Really,
that was just my way of saying: 'Me, me, me!'

What's the point of putting myself on the line
if some bloke with a smart suit, a PhD and a fine

way of talking to camera is going steal
the limelight from yours truly by the way he deals

with (my) awkward subject matter
through his own erudite & witty chatter.

Damn your eyes, Marlow, Dixon, Robert Hughes,
poking your noses into my own self-abuse!

- AB 15/10/03

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