

Postdoc Positions, Taiwan Normal Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, in Computational
Chemistry and BioInformatics areas available immediately

A postdoc position in the area of computational chemistry is available
immediately in the computational chemistry lab of Sun group at the
chemistry department of the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). The
Department of Chemistry is one of the most research-active institutes in
Taiwan. Our laboratory equipped with excellent computing resource provides
an excellent environment for theoretical study of the condensed phases
systems and molecular systems. Research topics include protein simulation,
surface simulation, and ab initio calculation for molecule reactions.
(Please see Liu et al., J. Chem. Phys., 109, 6898-6904 (1998); Sun et al.,
Chem. Phys. Lett., 318, 7-14 (2000)/surface simulation, and Sun et al., J.
Comput. Chem., 20, 546-562 (1999)/protein simulation) Current research
topics are peptide folding simulation, drug-protein interactions using
AMBER, and ab initio/RRKM calculation. For more info, please look up .

The postdoc position in bioinformatics area is supported by a
bioinformatics program, for which several faculty members of NTNU from
life science, chemistry, physics, and information departments participate.

Applicants with expertise in either computational chemistry and/or
bioinformatics are welcome to send your CV and two reference letters to
Dr. Ying-chieh Sun at [log in to unmask] , or the address:
Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University, 88, Ting-Chow
Road Sec. 4, Taipei, 11718, Taiwan, ROC
Fax: 886-2-2932-4249

The salary for these two positions is about 22,000 US dollars (Taiwan
National Science Council (NSC) standard) for the first year. In Taiwan,
Chinese is the language everybody speaks. In the academic and research
environment, there is no problem to communicate in English. Applicants
should have no visa problem in entering Taiwan.