

Dear Spenserians,

I'm writing to invite responses to two questions.  How would you explain to
a bright but untutored group of undergraduates

         a)  what a scholarly edition is and why we produce them; and

         b)  what the purpose is of editorial commentary in such an edition?

For an undergraduate course on Spenser this spring, I will be exploring
these questions with students by examining and comparing models of
commentary in existing editions, primarily of Spenser but perhaps also
editions of other authors or texts if they have a special exemplary
value.  I want the students to think clearly about the audience and
purposes of such editions, and especially of the commentary in them.  Then
I'll ask them to prepare their own commentaries, probably by working in
teams to comment on assigned cantos of The Faerie Queene.

I'm hoping that the kind of thoughtful and informed discussion that often
appears on this list will provide my undergraduates (and me, too) with an
ideal beginning for our exploration of these questions.  Many of you have
considerable editorial experience yourselves, and have no doubt weighed
these questions as you answered them through the decisions you made in the
course of your work.

Two final points.  First, let's assume that the commentaries can exist in
two versions:  one for the medium of print, which will face the kinds of
space restrictions imposed by the economics of publishing, and another for
an electronic archive, which will not only obviate space restrictions but
will also permit textual links to audio and jpg files as well as to text
files.  And second, if any of you are so fascinated by the topic and so
generous with your time that you wish to volunteer as email consultants for
teams of undergraduates who will be working on these topics during the
spring semester--all praise be yours, and please contact me!


David Lee Miller
Department of English                   543 Boonesboro Avenue
University of Kentucky                  Lexington, KY  40508-1953
Lexington, KY  40506-0027
(859) 257-6965                          (859) 252-3680