

>        Interesting article. 
>        Amit Ghosh
And I wonder where the misconception "medicine as an art and a science" 
originates from? What the good old Romans termed "art" ("ars") was their 
translation of the Greek word "techne". Even if you donŽt happen to be 
familiar with classical Greek, you will recognize the root. This word 
can for instance be found in the Hippocratic oath indicating "the rules 
of medicine". Techne is something which can be be taught and learnt, 
quite distinct form intuition. Perhaps someone can explain the "truism?" 
further? WeŽd probably better stop misconceiving medicine for an "art".

> every
> medical student is drilled with this truism: ''Medicine is
> both an art and a science.'' The ''art'' is represented to
> be the physician's intuitive sense of a patient and her
> underlying diagnoses and how she might respond to certain
> treatments.

Best wishes, Peter

Prof. Dr. med. B.-P. Robra, M.P.H.
Institut fuer Sozialmedizin und Gesundheitsoekonomie
OvG-Universitaet Magdeburg
Leipziger Str. 44
D-39120 Magdeburg 
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