

----Original Message Follows----
From: Steve Meek <[log in to unmask]>

Someone touched candidly on this subject a couple of
weeks ago...

--> Yes, a couple of weeks ago I sent in to the list my "vision" of the "new
system". Even with my world-famous cynicism and expectations of this
government which cannot be beat for theri pessimism, I WAS NOT AWARE THAT
THEY WOULD TAKE ME UP ON IT, i.e. I thought I was making it up... Seems
someone beat me to it... I should probably give up on making up ridiculous
comedy situations like this and leave it to reality...


>... and there is more on it on DNUK, including a
short message from David Quinton (also read the
orthopaedic forum - esp Simon Britten for a laugh). I
understand that management are imposing a radical
streaming system involving immediate triage to
specialty and the staff being reallocated similarly
(that would mean orthopaedics seeing 60, 000 minor
injuries for example - setting up a purely
musculoskeletal A&E department?). The ED consultants
are leaving or have left.
There must be several people on this list who know the
full details. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to
hear accurately what is happening. Can anyone
enlighted me?

Steve Meek

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