This sounds interesting!

Strategic Narrative: New Perspectives on the Power of Personal and Cultural Stories
Edited and Introduced by Wendy Patterson. Lanham, MD: Lexingt on Books
£53.00/EUR90.92 Cloth 0-7391-0370-9 June 2002 248pp

Available to buy online :

List of Contributors
Roger Bromley, Joseph E. Davis, Nigel Edley, Arthur W. Frank, Mark Freeman, Barbara Juen, Catherine Kohler Riessman, John McLeod, Liz Morrish, Wendy Patterson, Couze Venn

The contributors to this exciting new collection, edited by Wendy Patterson,
address the real and far-reac hing affects of narrative in everyday life.
Positing the power and intentionality of narrative--in short its strategic
uses--the essays reveal how we use our ways of telling to reclaim, evaluate,
and draw meaning from our experiences in an increasingly complex world. The
contributors take up themes of narrative as resistance, the ethical
dimension of narrative, the importance of narrative in the imaginary social
worlds of children, the role of narrative in the constructio n of
masculinity, the uses of narrative in therapy, and the significance of
imaginary stories in personal narratives of traumatic experience. Strategic
Narrative brings together diverse perspectives from a range of disciplines
and takes the reader into compelling discussions of this often simplified
and confoundingly theorized form of discourse.


For details of my (doing quite well) textbook
        Qualitative Research Interviewing: biographic narrative
        and semi-structured methods (Sage: 2001)
look at

The Sixth and Final London
        Short Course in Biographic Narrative Interpretive Interviewing
will take place in three-day blocks
                covering interviewing, analysis, comparing/theorising from cases
in November and December 2002 and January 2003. Nine days in all.
        Contact me for details, or click on