

Re: Topic Call - ESA 'Biography' research network
Dear Colleague,
The 6th Conference of the European Sociological Association
(ESA) will take place in Murcia, Spain 25 to 28 September 2003.
The ESA Research Network 'Biographical Perspectives on European
Societies' will be organizing a program of papers across the 4
days of the conference.  This message is a Call for topic
suggestions for individual sessions during the conference.

If you have an idea for a topic and/or would like to organize a
session for the Murcia conference, please contact me by 21
October 2002.

Dear Bob,

Prue and I suggest "Biographical research: impacting on policy and practice?" as the title either of a paper one or both of us would write, or (preferably) as the title of a session,to which one would hope a number of people would contribute.

By then, there would be two edited volumes from Policy Press that would be relevant.

1) Prue Chamberlayne, Mike Rustin and Tom Wengraf (eds) 2002 (November) biography and social exclusion in Europe: experiences and life journeys --
(the edited volume from the SOSTRIS project)


2) Ursula Apitzsch, Joanna Bornat and Prue Chamberlayne (eds) 2003 (September) Biographical methods and professional practice

and no doubt others. Hopefully some evidence might be forthcoming about impact!

Best wishes


For details of my (doing quite well) textbook
        Qualitative Research Interviewing: biographic narrative
        and semi-structured methods (Sage: 2001)
look at

The Sixth and Final London
        Short Course in Biographic Narrative Interpretive Interviewing
will take place in three-day blocks
                covering interviewing, analysis, comparing/theorising from cases
in November and December 2002 and January 2003. Nine days in all.
        Contact me for details, or click on