

There's an interesting section on Whiplash injuries in Tintinalli ( a lot of EPs use this). Obviously there is a spectrum of injuries that require various treatments. In some cases 24 / 48 hours of support, followed by active mobilisation works. I don't think this is paternalistic. The Best Bets evidence is pretty vague, five "variable quality" papers quoted with variables such as physiotherapy, long periods of immobilisation. I agree patients with minor whiplash don't need any treatment bar analgesia and advice, and can see a GP if the problem persists (- or a lawyer if they are so inclined)
----- Original Message -----
From: Robbie Coull
Sent: 07 September 2002 17:14
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Clearance of c-spines
> More importantly the patients love them and
>go away happy.

And come back again next time because they think they 'need' a collar.

That's paternalistic and it increases the medicalisation of minor problems
(and therefore our workload) for no benefit.

Robbie Coull

email: [log in to unmask]             website:

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