

On Fri, 27 September 2002, Adrian Fogarty wrote:

Come on Adrian,
We all know that money thrown by central government at
the NHS will nearly all be straight down the toilet. Of
course it's reasonable to moan about the increased
taxes! Why can't people be allowed to spend money on
their health themselves just like we do with food and
water, which frankly are substantially more important
needs than the so-called 'healthcare' we get in this
diabolical nonsense of a Notional Health Service?
Obviously help will be needed for those who can't
afford - just as is given in benefit so people can
afford housing, clothes, food etc. But the idea that
the state is the only organisation beneficent and
capable enough to provide everything for everyone is
quite honestly absurd.
Giles "Maggie" Cattermole.

> Yes, this coming from 'Arlow's own son is most
> shocking! I fear Keith is not
> looking after you properly. Still, I empathise big
> time; this sort of anomie
> really gets into my system too, and Danny's, despite
> his brave face. All I
> can say is the general public have a lot to answer
> the majority of our
> work results from their self indulgence or plain
> stupidity, yet they are
> reluctant to pay for improved services. Then they have
> the temerity to
> complain when things are a tad delayed or inefficient.
> Whoops, have I just
> gone cynical again?
> But things are gradually getting better Steve, I
> It concerns me
> though that just when Tony is starting to spend more
> the health service,
> the right-wingers are beginning to moan about stealth
> taxes again. Yeah, OK,
> let's just magic the funds out of a genie's lamp, that
> always works in the
> movies. Sorry, am getting political again...
> Adrian Fogarty (still mostly upbeat despite intense
> cynicism about the
> British public's attitude to health and to health
> services)