

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 20:38:29 +0100, keith armstrong
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I don't know if Goffmann is alive today.  However, he certainly was when
the debate was ongoing in the late 60's, I have not seen Goffmann's reply
to his critics.
>Black people didn't invent, nor did people with impairments invent
disability. Goffmann's Stigma is certainly a Christian concept, the ideas
contained in his work have certainly not improved the lot of the
disability community.
>Keith Armstrong
>On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 10:09:40 +0100
> Jonathan McNabb <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> In relation to the last post: I would like to point out that in the
>> discussions by disabled writers on Goffmann's Stigma I have read none
>> to taken into account Goffmann's use of irony and other literary devices
>> which are there under the surface.
>> Jonathan
>War makes people ill.
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Goffman died in 1982.  He was Jewish and the significance of that has been
ignored many of the critics of his work.

According to Goffman it was the ancient Greeks originated the term stigma.

The ideas it may or may not have improved the lot of disabled people but
was the purpose of the book.  Surely it is important to understand ideas
and arguments that have had a impact on disabled people's lifes whether
you agree with them or not.  To do so you have to be aware how and why
writers wrote in the manner they did, otherwise you miss understand the
point.  I am afraid many of the critiques of Stigma I have read my
disabled people have been poor and misrepresent what Goffman was trying to
say.  Disability Studies is not helped by slippy analysis.

Jonathan McNabb

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