

> Most if not all of us, I'd reckon. Deciding whether to refer to
> neurosurgeons I'm OK on; discharging patients is dodgier. I'd note that in
> countries where they thrombolyse for stroke, it's usually a specialist
> neuroradiologist, not a general radiologist who reports.
There is the DTIC or the delayed intracranial haemotoma which can be missed on
the initial scan and this is in the order of 15%.  Will also miss the acute as
well as the chronic subdural.  I frequently sit in the CT scanning suite and
think the scans look normal and a sharp eyed radiologist picks up significant

The radiation dose is phenomenal.  I'm not sure of the millisiverts but
equivalent to 350 chest x-rays I beleive for a brain scan.

We also have the habitual self induced head injurer who frequently gets
p*****'ed and bangs his head.

CT scanning is not the panacea that we are led to beleive.

Danny McGeehan
(Not and never will be the A & E

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