

Hi everyone
before I depart for a whole week off (hurrah!) can we draw a line under the
out of office debate now and declare it well and truly closed for the season
please. Needless to say there are those who are angered by the auto replies
(and the traffic arguing for and against can stoke this anger).
There are also those who find the deleting process satisfying, and/or do not
find it a chore. There is no easy solution - but the line from Jiscmail is
that if you're away for a week or more you *should* suspend membership - I
shall not be deleting anyone who forgets but will issue gentle reminders. I
would argue that it takes a lot longer to draft a decent email than to
delete the auto replies or to suspend mail using the web interface - but I
don't want to start another thread in this argument ;-).
So bye for now, and more tolerance and bags of netiquette please.  Have a
good bank holiday weekend  -or longer  -if you are taking a few extra days.
Best wishes,

Penny Garrod
Public Library Networking Focus
University of Bath BA2 7AY

Tel: +44 (0) 1225 386711
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