

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:    Fred Riley <[log in to unmask]>

EUROCALL 2003 - Call for Papers

EUROCALL 2003 will be held at the University of Limerick, Ireland, 3 - 6
September 2003

Conference main theme and title:


The theme aims to focus attention on the changing concepts and practices
concerning literacy brought about by technological developments, particularly
in relation to language learning and teaching. With the following list of sub-
themes the organisers seek to bring a rich and interesting variety of
perspectives to the conference:

- Spoken and written corpora in language teaching and learning

- New literacies and the World Wide Web: website creation and evaluation;
media literacy; visual literacy

- Physical and digital resources: appropriate teaching methodologies in a
dedicated physical CALL environment covering: learner expectations and
learner strategies; accessibility; student profiling

- New literacies and the four skills: the relationship between the more
'traditional' language skills and the 'new literacies'; to what extent should
current teaching paradigms be re-interpreted?

- Interactivity, learner interaction, feedback.

We invite submissions for Papers, Show & Tell Demonstrations and Posters
(please specify)  related to at least one of the above themes.

This list does not exclude other possible topics within CALL / WELL, but in
the selection process, preference will be given to papers dealing specifically
with these sub-themes.

Please specify to which theme your proposal is related, and please send
submissions of 200-300 words by 31 January 2003 to the following address,
preferably by e-mail:

June Thompson, EUROCALL Office
The Language Institute
University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX
Fax: +44 (0)1482 466180
Email: [log in to unmask]

All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. Successful applicants will
be notified by 31 March 2003. Please note that submissions received after
the deadline will be not considered for acceptance.

Submissions can also be made for Pre-Conference Events (Seminars,
Workshops). These should be addressed to the Conference Organiser,
[log in to unmask] by 31 January 2003.

Further details can be found at the Conference website, which will be
accessible via the EUROCALL website from October 2002.

Guidelines for presenters

To be read in conjunction with the joint EUROCALL, CALICO, IALLT
Research Policy Statement at,, or

Academic papers
An academic paper (30 minutes approx. + time for questions) should meet
the following criteria for original academic research in the CALL field:

- There should be a clearly-stated topic of investigation, supported by a

- The topic should be located with regard to other work in CALL and related
fields, by means of a literature or state-of-the-art review, which makes it clear
what is original about the current investigation.

- There should be a coherent and appropriate method of investigation, in
which the nature of actual or potential findings, outcomes or products is
clearly indicated.

Show and Tell
A Show and Tell presentation (30 minutes approx. + time for questions) may
focus on a particular development or methodology, or it may be a description
of work in progress. The emphasis may be more on practice than on
research, and the presentation may include a high proportion of visual
demonstration as opposed to theoretical argument, though this is not to say
that the above considerations should not be referred to. A Show and Tell
session is not regarded as inferior to a Paper session, but the distinction is
made in order to aid participants in selecting the conference sessions they
wish to attend.

A Poster session is designed to draw the attention of passers by to your
project or area of work. The information should be succinct and to the point,
your style should be easy to read and the design should be attractive.


All submissions will be examined by a minimum of two referees and awarded
a grade ranging from 1 for Poor to 5 for Excellent in 4 separate categories:

- Overall "quality" (design, rigour, field relevance)

- Fit to the main theme of the Conference or one (or more) of the Conference

- Novelty and originality

- Clarity and presentation

This will provide an overall mark out of 20, which will be used as a guide in
ranking submissions. The mark or grades will not be revealed to any
applicant under any circumstances, and the EUROCALL Conference
Organising Committee reserves the right to reclassify any submission into
one of the three appropriate categories: Paper, Show and Tell presentation or