

Dear colleagues,

In the period after an EU Directive has been adopted, many of us are asked
for details of its implementation in the national legislation of Member
States. This query becomes increasingly common as the implementation
deadline approaches and passes.  Frustratingly, the information is often
hard to find, largely because many Member States may fail to meet the
deadline.  Delays in implementation can be much longer than is often
realised.  This is illustrated by the recent Commission report (COM(2002)
430) on the application of Directive 93/83/EC, which explains:

"The Directive had to be transposed before 1 January 1995. However, Belgium
was the only Member State to meet that deadline. The majority of
implementations took place between 1995 and 1998, but Ireland and Luxembourg
were late in implementing their relevant measures, which did not enter into
force until 1 January 2001 and 19 July 2001 respectively."

It would be interesting to know how typical this is of the length of delays
that occur in practice.  Does anyone know of any study that has been carried
out into the frequency and extent of implementation delays?


Chris Lamb
Tel: +32 2 238 1793
Fax: +32 2 238 1798

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