

Recent AAG meetings have considered some aspects of electronic commerce
and the internet: retailing, education, and mapping to name a few. However,
little consideration has been given to the individuals who construct, run
and use the systems we now take for granted. This session at the AAG
New Orleans (March 4-8) will "people" the discourse around the internet,
considering the performativities of people as programmers, administrators,
marketers and customers/users.

Papers may address any of the following:
* technological and institutional beginnings (ARPANET/CSNET) and new
directions (Internet II)
* governing the internet: ICANN, naming conflicts and e-government
* managerial visions for ecommerce
* the "social shaping of technology" (to borrow from MacKenzie and Wajcman)
* user experiences: communities, e-dating, chat forums
* the dark side: the production/consumption of SPAM, viruses, sex selling
* customer experiences of e-commerce
* P2P networks (Napster and other file transfer systems) and intellectual
or any other topics of interest relating to the theme.

Discussants are welcome: if you are interested in doing so, let me know.

Please respond to Andrew Murphy <[log in to unmask]> or
<[log in to unmask]>. Final deadline for abstracts: September 30th,
through the AAG website (

Apologies for cross posting.