

It is possible to speak of the Middle Age man’ s spirit, as it could be 
useful for our spirit? Isn’t out of the history’s rules? The distance 
from an age closed fifty hundred years ago remains all. But I think 
that there is a way to be near for these two ages, and this is the 
spirituality. The spirituality, in fact, isn’t a way to live far from 
the real life, but it is our world – view. She conditions all our 
choices, the smaller also. So men and women’ life of that far age 
begins near, very similar to our life. This idea is present in my last 
book “Dal Medioevo al Duemila” (From Middle Age to the Two Thousand 
year ) and in my web site, but I don’t know if she can be scientific , 
historical, or only a dream, a hope. But reading some spirituality 
medieval sources, it seems so, really. Best wishes, and apoligize me 
for my english. Claudio Attardi