


I'm very glad to find this site, so that I could look at many different
opinions. I'm interested in a disability identity and in emergence of
a 'person' (as French, Corker, Shakespeare's works show), in relation to
its implication on social work. Recent the government's policy for services
for people with learning disabilities brought the person-centred planning.
I wonder any one can help me find out the origin of the concept of 'person-
centred'. Although I know the PCP has the principle of normalisation, I
want to know its origin, as the term is also used in C. Rogers' counselling
and in dementia (personhood). However, I didn't any explanation about its
defferences and a common ground. Also I would like to hear any of your
opinion, critics about the governmental policy regarding learning
disabilities (Valuing People and the person-centred approach).



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