

Apologies for cross posting

The 'Interpreting Stratigraphy Group' is pleased to announce our next 
conference, and the creation of the new website.

CONFERENCE - Call for Papers

The next conference of the Interpreting Stratigraphy Group will take place
on SATURDAY, 7th SEPTEMBER 2002 in London at Mortimer Wheeler House, the
building which now houses both the Museum of London Archaeology Service
and the new London Archaeological Archive Research Centre.  In line with
this setting, we are inviting papers which consider the role of
archaeological archives in general and, within this, questions concerning
access to, and the manipulation of, stratigraphic and other site
information.  In addition, and especially since the implementation of
PPG16, we are interested in the ‘grey literature' generated by commercial
evaluation work.  Papers which deal with its burgeoning volume would thus
be welcome, especially if they have solutions which enhance the
circulation of such evidence beyond curators and commercial sponsors.  For

- with the proliferation of small-scale evaluations, is there no
longer a role for stratigraphic analysis?

- how should the integration of stratigraphic and artefactual or 
ecofactual evidence be approached, and how can this work be resourced in a
commercial environment? 

- can evaluation reports be made, or even allowed, to circulate more
widely amongst other parties such as university departments or the local
communities affected by development?

In addition to the above issues, we are also happy to consider papers
dealing with topics loosely related to any other aspects of stratigraphic

If you want to give a paper or to attend the conference, please
contact me by email, via the website (see below) or by using the postal
address given at the end of this email.


The group, with the help of English Heritage, has just launched its own
website.  This provides:

- contact details for the organising committee

- free soft copy of all out-of-print publications of conference
- abstracts, searchable by keyword, for the above publications and
for more recent papers

- joining instructions for our new email discussion group

- notification of forthcoming events, such as the above conference
- links to related websites

You can find the website at:

Please log on, take a look at what we have to offer, and perhaps join the
discussion list if you think our interests coincide with your own. 

Steve Roskams
Interpreting Stratigraphy Group 
Dept. of Archaeology 
University of York
Kings Manor