

Richard Bolton<[log in to unmask]> writes:

<< I rest my case. We need to look at treatments that are effective for
peoples lives as a reality of what their lives entail....... Unfortunately
not everyone considers going to the gym a reality. I do, but I am a minority
the world over >>

*** You are quite correct about international usage of gym facilities, if one
takes into account the rest of the world where the majority of humans live.
Most of them also do not consider going to a modern doctor or physio as a
reality, either, let alone attending aerobics or Pilates classes, which they
probably have never even heard of.

Healing in many countries and coping with stress tends to be far more
community, family and person centred, so that we cannot even approximately
extrapolate what we do in the West to the vast majority of situations
elsewhere in the world.  In those cases, one has to ensure that therapy is
integrated into existing social and familial systems, and that it tries to
educate as many as possible in methods of healing which the average family
can apply as independently as possible - at least until such time the
existing healing models and facilities change some time in the future.

Dr Mel C Siff
Denver, USA