

Dear WG Members,
I think Shigeo raised a valid point recently when he mentioned the need to
clarify our translations requirement.  One of the requirements of the Phase
1 registry is that it be multilingual, both the user interface and the term
definitions.  However, only the English translation of the terms has been
approved.  None of the other translations are endorsed by the DCMI.

It is important that we somehow indicate the status of translations when
they are displayed, in order to remove any potential ambiguity.  It is
equally important that we understand the requirement before we try to
identify a solution.  Certainly we will want to display the status of the
translation.  We may, at some point, also wish to display the name of the
translator, the date the translation was done, etc.

The following is displayed when a user clicks on 'title' (for the sake of
discussion let's assume that this is displayed as a non-approved

 Label              Title
 Definition         A name given to the resource.
 Description        Typically, a Title will be a name by which...
 Is Defined By
 RDF Type           Property
 Issued             1999-07-02
 superProperty Of   alternative
 superProperty Of   label

I would like to solicit input from the WGs as to what additional
information, regarding the translation, we feel it is important to display.
For example, possibly something like?:

 Comment            This translation...  The publisher disclaims any

I think if we approach the problem from this perspective we can find a
solution that can be accommodated in the short timeframe we have left.

Best Regards,