

Many thanks for your help with this.  I think this is a very elegant
solution, albeit a difficult one to implement.  I am forwarding it to the
dc-registry and dc-international listservs in order to solicit the opinions
of other members regarding how best to implement your suggestion.

A few questions:

Your example maintains metadata about the translated term, and about each
property of the translation.  Do we need this level of granularity?  Do we
need it in phase 1?  If yes, how would we implement it?  The current
registry will return the following for 'title' (German interface):

Aufkleber               Titel
Definition              Titel der Quelle; der vom Verfa sser, Urheber...
Wird Vorbei Definiert
RDF-Art                 Property
Superproperty Von       alternative
Superproperty Von       label

I had thought what we would want to see displayed in this case would be the
same as above, with the addition of a 'disclaimer', such as:

RechtcManagement        Die publizierende Organisation uebernimmt keine...
(The publisher disclaims any responsibility...)

Is this correct?  If no, what should the display resemble when a user clicks
on 'title'?

If we do plan to create metadata for the translated labels, definitions and
comments of each term, how would we display that information?  I think it
would be confusing to have one (or more) creator, description, comment and
rights displayed for each property.  One solution might be to provide a link
next to each label that a user could click to generate a new search for the
provenance information?  Something like:

Aufkleber <info>        Titel
Definition <info>       Titel der Quelle; der vom Verfa sser, Urheber...
Wird Vorbei Definiert
RechtcManagement        Die publizierende Organisation uebernimmt keine...
RDF-Art                 Property
Superproperty Von       alternative
Superproperty Von       label

Of course <info> is probably not the best choice, but does, hopefully, get
the idea across.

Sorry for the long-winded post, but this is not an easy solution to
implement and I want to make certain of what we are trying to achieve before
making any additional changes to the source code.

Best Regards,

> Dear Harry,
> enclosed a slightly expanded version of your files.
> In that i pushed the disclaimer to a rights statement about the
> the association of "Titel, xml:lang="de-DE"" by means of "rdfs:label"
> to "dc:title".
> I stress the issue of associating expressions in certain
> languages with
> certain DC Terms in a given context (given by the current predicate).
> In case you want export RDF Term declarations in arbitrary languages
> one could mark the language independent parts also and could
> declare the those assertions as authentic...
> Best,
> rs
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [
>         <!ENTITY rdfns ''>
>         <!ENTITY rdfsns ''>
>         <!ENTITY dcns ''>
>         <!ENTITY eorns ''>
>    ]>
> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="&rdfns;"
>          xmlns:rdfs="&rdfsns;"
>          xmlns:dc="&dcns;"
>          xmlns:eor="&eorns;">
> <!-- Begin: Title Declaration -->
> <rdf:Property rdf:about = "&dcns;title"/>
> <rdf:Description rdf:about = "&dcns;title" bagID="deDe_0">
>   <rdfs:label rdf:ID="deDE_1" xml:lang="de-DE">Titel</rdfs:label>
>   <rdfs:comment rdf:ID="deDE_2" xml:lang="de-DE">Titel der
> Quelle; der vom Verfa
> sser, Urheber oder Verleger vergebene Namen der
>   Ressource</rdfs:comment>
> </rdf:Description>
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#deDe_0">
>         <dc:description xml:lang="de-DE">
>           Sprachabhaengiger Teil der Deklaration eines
> DC-Terms in Deutsch.
>         </dc:description>
>         <dc:description xml:lang="en-US">
>           Language dependent part of the deklaration of a DC
> Term in German.
>         </dc:description>
>         <dc:publisher>DCMI</dc:publisher>
>         <dc:source
> rdf:resource=""/>
> </rdf:Description>
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#deDE_1">
>         <dc:creator>Diann</dc:creator>
>         <dc:description xml:lang="de-DE">Zuordnung eines
> deutschen Labels
>          zu einem DC Term</dc:description>
>         <dc:description xml:lang="en-US">Association of a
> German label to
>           a DC term</dc:description>
>         <dc:publisher>DCMI</dc:publisher>
>         <dc:rights xml:lang="de-DE">
>           Die publizierende Organisation uebernimmt keine
> Gewaehr fuer die
>           Richtigkeit der Zuordnung des deutschen Ausdrucks.
>         </dc:rights>
>         <dc:rights xml:lang="en-US">The publisher disclaims
> any responsibility
>           for the correctnes of the association of the German
> expression.
>         </dc:rights>
> </rdf:Description>
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#deDE_2">
>         <dc:creator>Walter</dc:creator>
>         <dc:description xml:lang="de-DE">Zuordnung eines deutschen
>          RDFS Kommentars zu einem DC Term</dc:description>
>         <dc:description xml:lang="en-US">Association of a
> German RDFS comment
>           to a DC term</dc:description>
>         <dc:publisher>DCMI</dc:publisher>
>         <dc:rights xml:lang="de-DE">
>           Die publizierende Organisation uebernimmt keine
> Gewaehr fuer die
>           Richtigkeit der Zuordnung des deutschen Ausdrucks.
>         </dc:rights>
>         <dc:rights xml:lang="en-US">The publisher disclaims
> any responsibility
>           for the correctnes of the association of the German
> expression.
>         </dc:rights>
> </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>

Harry Wagner
Dublin, OH  43017
(614) 761-5178
mailto:[log in to unmask]