

Dear WG Members,
My apologies for the cross-post.

The current version of the DC Registry
( was updated this
morning with the versions of the DC RDF schemas that Roland Schwaenzl has
been working on
/).  I consider this a significant improvement over the version of the
schemas we had previously imported.  They solve several of the data-related
problems we have labored over, and, most importantly, I believe they
accurately reflect Usage Board decisions.  Thanks Roland - nice work!

Having these schemas imported into the Registry allows the data to viewed
from many different angles.  I encourage all interested parties to do so.  A
collective review will enable any problems to be discovered and corrected
prior to the Registry being implemented in production.

This also presents us with an opportunity to correct the schemas that our
namespaces currently resolve to.  I suggest that once we have reviewed the
schemas and are satisfied with them that we publish them on the Web site and
change the namespace PURLs to resolve to them.  This would align the Usage
Board decisions / documentation, the Registry and the schemas.  This seems
to me to be a rare opportunity to correct several "wrongs" all at one time.
Please give this your consideration.

FYI... I am also working with Roland on implementing a solution for the term
translations raised recently by Shigeo Sugimoto.  Expect to see a solution
for this in the near future.

As always, suggestions, concerns, criticism, etc. are welcome.

Best Regards,
Harry Wagner
Dublin, OH  43017
(614) 761-5178
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