

The head physio at one of the UK premiership football clubs has just
finished a big study looking at this topic (I am wracking my brain but i
can't recall name or club, when I remember or find his presentation I will
post it). He performed a pre season screening of all their players (inc
academy etc)including sacro-iliac orientation and performance of slump,
active knee extension and a number of other strength/flexibility measures.
He suggested that the preliminary data pointed to a higher occurence of
hamstring strain in players with a relative restriction in neural mobility.
He also found that a unilateral posterior (I am going off memory so I may be
wrong) rotation of the ipsilateral sacro iliac joint appeared to be
correlated with increased incidence of hamstring strain.

Steve Aspinall BSc (hons) GSR
Sport Rehabilitator
Bolton Therapy Centre

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