

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:   Martina Lauster <[log in to unmask]>

The German Department at the University of Exeter wishes to appoint, from 1
October, 2002, a one-year

(award £10,000 plus some remunerated teaching in the Department)

to support the Kommentierte digitale Gesamtausgabe of Karl Gutzkow's
works. The Internet base of this Anglo-German edition project
( is located at Exeter, and its two chief co-ordinators are
members of staff in the German Department. The successful candidate will
be of post-doctoral status and have expertise in nineteenth-century German
literature as well as basic text mark-up skills (e.g. SGML). The Department,
rated 5* in the RAE 2001 and 24/24 in the TQA, offers a congenial
environment for young Germanists at the beginning of their career. Please
send your application to Prof. Martina Lauster, Department of German,
School of Modern Languages, University of Exeter, Queen's Building, Exeter
EX4 4QH, by Monday, 1 July, 2002.

Prof. Martina Lauster
Department of German
School of Modern Languages
University of Exeter