

>Can any tell me if DHTML and JavaScript are acceptable within
>a NOF project. I can't seem to find any mention of them with
>the guidelines.
>Thank you
>Tony Brindle

From the FAQ: (

9. Can we use Javascript and DHTML on our NOF-digitise Web site?

The use of client-side scripting (including javascript and DHTML
techniques) is acceptable, however please take note of the following

1) The site must still be accessible to browsers which are not
scriptable. Use <noscript>< tags and "sniffer" routines to determine the
client capabilities and provide content-equivalent pages to
non-scriptable browsers.

2) Thoroughly test your pages for functionality under a wide range of
browser / platform configurations.


Seems fairly straightforward.

Good info on sniffer routines can be found here:


Note that  most client side routines use Javascript (sort of a catch-22
possibility) and this is the ultimate:


Hope you find this useful.


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