Dear all,
I wonder if someone can help explain to me the connections between RSLP, RDF and Dublin Core.
As I understand it, RSLP is a collection schema (made up of other schemas e.g. Dublin Core, vCard etc). RDF is an XML based view of the schema. Now when collections are made available to the public via the internet, we need to generate METADATA tags for the collections. NOF state that we should use Dublin Core, but RSLP uses other schemas in addition. How are these to be portrayed?
Do I simple add METADATA like
<meta name="dc.language" scheme="iso639-2" content="eng" />
<meta name="dc:subject" content="stuff stuff" />
<meta name="cld:agentName" content="Tony" />
<meta name="cld:objectName" content="stuff stuff" />
<meta name="cld.strength" content="stuff stuff" />
Or am I'm completly misunderstanding this.
Thanks for any help
Tony Brindle